November mummy's to be....

Can I just add. How exciting it is to be saying that ^^ or is it just me?! ....

ANYWAY. I'm nearly 6 weeks and my whole body aches. I'm moody 24/7 but have NO sickness. Felt sick few times but never been sick... and I'm SOOOO tired.

Some days as in today, I feel nothing?! Few twinges but I don't even feel pregnant, I need advice .... Is this normal?!

And p.s. IM in the only one that's constantly worrying about everything being ok? I can't even enjoy being pregnant because I'm overthinking what if something happens. My OH tells me to stop thinking the worst. But this is my first pregnancy. In need advice ladies..

AND- please don't tell me to not think about it. We have been TTC for over 2 years, endo etc. This is a miracle! 😍