“Witching hour” for almost 4 month old

Kayla • Nora Elyse 12/8/17 💕

So I know about the 4 month sleep regression. And my daughter has been sleeping in her own room since 6 weeks and sleeps really well.

So I thought I was prepared for the 4 month sleep regression, but from everything I’ve read, she’s not having the typical regression.

Almost every night she will wake up at 3am and just chill in her crib. Last night she was awake from 3-6am 😳

She doesn’t really fuss too much, only when she wants her pacifier. She mostly just makes playful noises and thrashes about lol

But I cannot get her to fall back asleep! And I try not to intervene because I’ve read during this regression they need to learn to self soothe and fall back asleep on their own.

But does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do to encourage her to fall back asleep??