Too young for a growth spurt?


My little man will be three weeks tomorrow, he doesn’t fuss unless he’s hungry or gassy and tonight is the first night we can’t get him to stop crying. I’ve nursed him off and on for about 4 hours now and tried to get him to sleep and nothing is working... he has no trouble filling his diaper and has pooped (normal color and consistency) probably 5 times in the last two hours, so i think he’s getting milk, but his stomach is making weird noises. I’m wondering if i ate something that has upset his belly.. i gave him some infant gas drops and warmed up some milk for him because I’m not producing enough at the moment to keep up with him... is this a growth spurt or is something going on? The bottle seemed to help and i know cluster feeding is a thing but i didn’t think an infant could physically hold that much breast milk... thoughts comments.. im frustrated and freaking out something is wrong