Still unable to cope.


I dont really talk about our miscarriage because when i do..i just choke up. not quite sure why im writing this post to be honest with most of you. i think i may just be looking for advice. First off im 21. a few months before my birthday, probly around november, we found out i was pregnaunt. my boyfriend say i was acting funny so i tested, an it was very faint but it was positive. We were both excited but nervous. I mean, i was only 20 and he just turned 22 not to long before that. So i went to have blood work done and everything was pointing to a postive pregnancy. Well, because i work for a commercial painting company, that my family owns, carrying 5gal buckets alot, we decided on Christmas we would tell my side and his side of the family that we were exspecting. So we told everyone on christmas. Everyone was excited. I told them i was only about 6 weeks but i needed them to know because of my work. Well, on christmas night i exspiranced cramping...terrible cramping and then some blood clots. idk why...but i ended up waiting until morning to go to the hospital. We sat there for 7-8 hours in the ER waiting for the results. The doctor came back and told me sadly that i had a miscarriage. For some reason i didnt quite understand anything but i just nodded my head. The doctor told me it has to do with me having negative blood type and my boyfriend having positive. i know i was only 6 weeks but it still ripped me to pieces. I never thought something like this would happen, but it did. If anyone has any advice for me...please let me know. im still completely screwed up over this...i know someday i may cope with it.