10 weeks, no heart beat. [prayers & advice please]

Crystal • MC 03/28/18 ❤ our sweet baby is waiting for us in heaven

I'm writing with a very heavy heart hoping for some encouragement, positive thoughts and prayers. Last week we had our first obgyn appt at 10 weeks (At 6 weeks i saw the heart beat on an ultrasound for proof of pregnancy). However, this time was very different!! The doctor was only with us for 10 minutes. When she did the vaginal ultrasound she didn't even show us the screen, told us there was no heart beat, then turned off the monitor. Her first comment involved faulty machinery, and getting a second opinion before she left the room to "give us a minute". In the moment, we were in shock and the process of information was the most weight I've ever felt in my chest.... we didn't even think about asking to see until hours later. When the doctor returned she was all of a sudden 100% sure I was miscarrying and only discussed 3 options to discard of our baby...... We have decided to get a second opinion from a neonatal department on Tuesday. Is it possible that the heart beat could return or actually have been missed??? PLEASE PROVIDE ANY ADVICE POSSIBLE. Thank you