Baby used only wake up once, now at 4 months waking up every 2 hours 😪


My fourth month old (19 weeks old today) used to almost sleep through the night… she’d Only wake up once usually around 3 AM… Bedtime has always been around 730 or 8 PM ....... but recently, right before she turned four months, she’s been waking up starting at 11 PM to nurse and then every two hours after that… At first I thought it was a growth spurt… But this has been happening for almost a month now 😩😩😩 we were exclusively breast-feeding up until her four-month doctors appointment where the doctor told me she wasn’t gaining enough weight (she was at 4% for her weight 😖) so we have now started supplementing her with a few formula bottles a day. We’ve also started her on a tiny bit of rice cereal (spoon feeding her like 1/2 a tablespoon mixed with breastmilk to a thin consistency in the evening) .....She sleeps in a pack and play right next to our bed… When we do have to get up with her at night -we keep the lights low, we don’t talk to her, no eye contact, change her diaper, nurse her, and then right back to sleep.

I’m kind of thinking that once she gets her weight back up, maybe she’ll start sleeping better again? Is that just wishful thinking?? Someone please tell me there is a light at the end of the tunnel 😩😩😩 pic for attention 😊i