TTC after 2nd trimester loss

I lost my son at 17 weeks in September 2017 due to complications with my cervix. I had 1 early miscarriage and 1 2nd trimester miscarriage before that which are all understood to be due to my weak cervix. We have bern trying to conceive again since December 2017 but it seems like my body just isnt prepared or doesnt want to get pregnant again 😔 I had no difficulties becoming pregnant with all 3 of my pregnancies with only 2 month between each pregnancy. Can some of you ladies share your stories with me. How long did it take for you to become pregnant again after a 2nd trimester loss ? I've just started my period again & just feel so low and defeated. Will i ever be able to become a mother, hold my healthy alive baby & experience motherhood 😔💔😢