Probably a bfn?


This is my first month tracking and I couldn't wait any longer and had to test. Lol

I don't see a faint line but I'm also only 9dpo. I've been having symptoms and I never get any symptoms when af comes other than an occasional cramp or two. I've have getting nauseous, heartburn, lower back pain, and constipated. I have UC so I'm typically in the bathroom 4 times a day so only going once a day is unusual. Oh and I've been peeing a lot more.

I hope none of this is in my head and I hope af doesn't come. I will test again in a few days with FMU.

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Posted at
What is fmu?


Candace • Jun 19, 2015
Oh ok lol sorry


Natasha • Jun 19, 2015
First morning urine


Posted at
Thank you everyone! I figured it was too early, but I had a dream last night that I got a bfp so I caved and ran to the store to buy some tests. Lol I will wait and test again Monday or Tuesday with fmu. Fingers crossed I see something then!


Posted at
There is nothing there but it is still early. It definitely sounds like you are having pregnancy symptoms. Wait another 3-4 for a more accurate tesult. Good luck ✨


Posted at
Me and my husband have been tryin for 3yrs now and we have tried everything for me to get pregnant and we dnt knw wht to do


Posted at
Nothing wait a retest at leat at 13DPO