Hostile work environment


My fiancé and are moving back home to California from North Carolina in a few months and right now we’re working our asses off to be able to afford the move.

The place I work at pays very well and it’s in the same building as my fiancé.

But the people here are a nightmare. I think there’s a lot of jealousy going on because I’m new and I have the best sales numbers.

So naturally I’m being attacked constantly. Every mistake I make gets blown out of proportion and I’m told that I did it on purpose to get higher numbers.

Nobody talks to me all day. I take my lunch with my fiancé and I can text my friends during the day. But the people in the office don’t talk to me at all.

They bring in snacks and don’t share any with me. Not that I want their snacks so badly, but they do it in front of my face to exclude me when everyone gets offered stuff except for me.

It’s a temporary situation and we’ll be out of this god awful state soon. But I’m having anxiety every morning going in and I don’t know how to deal with this anymore.

Normally I’d quit and find a new job. But we’re literally leaving in 2 months and it pays well which is what we need right now.

Any tips on how to cope?