Im gonna rant.....

My fiances brother had his kids over here and we had kittens about 4 or 5 weeks old, at the time. Well, his girlfriends daughter comes over here, grabs one of the kittens by the neck, and is holding its head under a water faucet. So my fiance gets on to her telling her to put the kitten down and to leave them alone. This little girl goes outside, starts crying saying he was yelling at her (and he wasnt, i heard him) and gets a big ass fight started between my fiance and his brother. This mofo starts pushing my ol man, and i jumped in and pushed his ass back. Every time he came at mine, i went at him. He comes over today talking about "my kids wont come back over here, and ill smash those f-ing cats heads into the concrete" ...... Seriously. This dude has lord knows how many dogs at his house and is constantly breeding them, and if anybody were to touch one of his animals he starts "get the f out of my yard, ill beat ur ass" but his crazy ass kids can come over here and do as they please and he wont get onto them, for anything. Usually i wouldnt even say anything, but these kids are waaaaaaaay more than a handful. This 9 yr old girl will start rubbing her behind on little boys, and then lies about it, saying they started it. They run around outside butt naked, and nobody says anything. They dont care. These people are so hard to deal with. If anybody says anything to them, or the kids, they start a fight. And its not just me who sees it. Everybody does. I have alot of feelings towards this situation. But im going to be done with this rant, for now lol