its been six months since my relationship of 3 years that lasted til 16-19 ended. man was i in love with this guy. the relationship ended and quickly after i started dating someone else . i also love the guy im with now it just feels so blank with him. with my ex i saw our everything together. he made my heart do this thing. everyone says its first love...yes.. but i feel like even if its years from now no matter what he does ill still love him just as much as i always have. my new guy is the second person ive ever loved. id do almost anything for him. but ik id do ANTHING for my ex😔. whats wrong with me?. i feel like since i left my ex ( because we were on and off alot over nothing. but we always came back with 🔥🔥🔥 an passion . I FEEL LIKE I MADE A MISTAKE!. he has been my every thought. i recently moved out of my new guys because of my love for my ex. me and my ex agreed to just talk on the phone. ik its wrong. but my hearts crying out rn :( ..