What would you do?

Meaghan • PNW mama🌈rainbow born 5/19/18

I had my baby shower a few weeks ago and we were given 90% of the things on our registry plus boxes and boxes of diapers (more than I can store in the house.) Since then, I've purchased the couple of items off our registry that I considered essential that were left over. Now my husband's work wants to throw us a shower. They are asking me to send them a registry. Honestly, the nursery is 100% done. We have boxes of diapers stored in the garage because we have so many. I don't know what to tell them. All the people in the office that my husband is friends with already came to our shower/pizza party and gave us gifts. This is mostly the older "grandmotherly" ladies who are pushing to have a shower. Not only do I not want more gifts, I don't want the people who already bought stuff for us to feel like they have to buy us more gifts. What should I do? Turning them down outright would be seen as a slight.