Ttc over 2 years, feeling broken and depressed


Its been a long journey with two early losses. Each month I have hope, I try so hard and other months I don't try at all and just focus on my wonderful fiancé. I don't have many friends where we are so it's difficult when I'm not working because i feel lonely, my fiancé has a few close friends here still. Also extremely stressed because I have some time off of work and I really need the money 😩 im totally just venting and rambling on now but I just am not happy I dont know why but I just am so heartbroken watching people complain that it's taking them a month to have another baby when I've been trying to even just have one for years.. I also just lost complete motivation to work out and AF is arriving tomorrow so I ate so much shit today and yeah things just suck right now! And on top of it all we both just lost our grandpas so holy shit life just isn't treating us well lately! Praying good things start coming because I am about to lose it! Anyone with me?!😅😅😭