Am I normal??

Is it just me who is really struggling with gas and wind? It constantly gets trapped in my stomach and chest and when I finally manage to belch or fart they are extremely loud and painful. I burped really loudly in public whilst shopping with my husband, he was completely supportive but I got some really disgusted looks.

When my husband massages my stomach I can properly burp loudly like a man and it feels amazing! I really want something to help with all the bloating and burping. When I fart it smells like sulfur and I’ve had people run out of Starbucks😂

I’m 17 weeks 3 days and I only had a small amount of trapped wind and gas. I was able to belch and fart properly but the last 3 weeks have left me in excruciating pain

If you know anything besides medications that can help me please suggest them I’m desperate lol