Autistic husband with no empathy. I’m so done

I’m on the verge of divorce...had problems for many years and last year he was finally diagnosed as autistic. They think he has other problems as well but still testing. He is very high functioning so people who don’t know him well easily pass it off as “quirks”.

What they don’t know is how exceedingly childish he is and completely emotionally blind. He cannot understand emotions at all and cannot empathize one bit. He can be emotionally and physically abusive and throw fits while I am in 10/10 pain from a chronic disease (which he pretty much forgets I have unless I remind him on really bad days).

So today, when he’s throwing a massive fit and stomping around giving me the cold shoulder because I couldn’t baby him when he got scratched my our cat (didn’t even break skin, and he kept touching the cat when he already obviously was annoyed), I am just laughing at the irony. Just a few days ago he threw a tantrum because I asked him to please get more pain meds for me when I was suffering debilitating pain.

I am so sick and tired of this. Ladies, I have no outside support and that’s the only reason I’m still here. I’m afraid that I won’t be okay on my own. I suffer from depression and have been abused before. I don’t know how I’ll rebuild my whole life after years of plans and building it around this man and our “future”.