Does this happen when you go out?

When I go out with my boyfriend, sometimes men will congratulate him on me, it’s always middle aged men. Men our own age will either stare or hit on me if they don’t notice we’re together, or ignore me lol.

But often middle aged men will ask him if I’m his girlfriend, or tell him how beautiful I am. Even when we left the state for vacation an older man start talking to us as we passed, he said something to my boyfriend like, “yeah I’d be making that face too, if my woman looked like that”

Idk how I should feel about it. I’m used to attention from males, but this is my first relationship (21 years old) so I can’t tell if this is normal or not. Idk if they’re saying it because they think I’m attractive or if they think I’m too attractive for him. I never say anything, he usually just laughs it off.

Idk, does that happen to you guys? Do you say thanks?

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