The Man That Won't Commit


Kay so I've been seeing this man for damn near a year nothing too serious at first because we had just gotten out of bad relationships. I'm 21 he's 29, but he's only the 4th man I've been intimate w so I'm pretty attached to him at this point. I love him. But, he says all the time that he isn't ready for a relationship & doesn't "do labels" & says we should keep going w the flow yet gets mad if I go out w friends too often, or wear shorts in public, like boyfriend shit. We clearly fuck. A lot. So yea, he's getting pussy. & my son loves him.. he loves my baby. He says he needs to get himself established bc if he can't provide for himself like he wants how will he be a man I need... Girls... I'm confused. What can I do to make him completely commit? Does he want to commit? Does he care? idk guys.