Out of curiosity...(Sorry if this is the wrong room..) *UPDATE*


What would you do if you had loud neighbors? I have never experienced such loud neighbors. They sit outside smoking most of the day and night, have their dogs running around barking all in this area, play obnoxiously loud music, and most recently have extremely loud sex.

Every. Single. Night. Some nights louder than others, and those nights they end up waking my daughter.

I want to say something...simply because it's affecting my child. My husband says it's their home to do as they please and he wouldn't want someone telling him how to do, or not do, something in his own home. A friend of ours suggested leaving an anonymous note in their box requesting they keep the noise level down without any other explanation..

How would you handle this situation? 

**UPDATE** Thanks everyone for your input! I emailed the apartment managment company and asked that a memo be sent out for noise levels. I wasn't too specific, so I hope it helps. If that doesn't do anything I will politely go speak with them.