Mind over matter?!

Pamela • 32 year old mama to 1 cheeky boy and the quest for another. Used to be be a RD now stay-at-home mum

Ok. So my partner and I finally decided that it was time to have a baby after a while of deliberation. So I ditched the bc three months prior to the time we agreed to start , began taking my folic acid and prepping myself physically & emotionally. December we began and to my surprise we were successful on the first go👏🏼. Test came back positive in January on the 12th , so excited. We told no one of our little secret( as I’m really superstitious and cynical of people and their bad energy)but the doctor who booked us in for an early scan in two weeks time. We have determined that I was about 5 weeks pregnant. After my 28th birthday on the 17th we had celebratory love making😬😉🙊🙈 . In the early hrs of the 18th I began cramping, really badly, I thought to myself don’t be silly cramping is completely normal after sex and sex can’t possibly do harm so early on . A couple of hrs later I realised I was bleeding!😢, my hear literally stopped. I panicked, called hubs home and together we called the doctor, whom advised we go to the hospital. It was a long and dreary process but long storey short , I miscarried! I wanted to cry and just shut everything out but I thought to myself and said self!, you are a woman of science , you believe that your body knows what it’s doing , perhaps the baby wasn’t quite ok and there’s both that you could’ve or should’ve done . I snapped out of it momentarily, coming from a family of doctors and being one myself , emotions we always secondary to reason but the woman in me couldn’t help but fell otherwise. Anyway, the miscarriage completed in 5 days time . Four weeks after that , I got my period 👏🏼💃🏾. We began trying again ( after we go clearance) , a month or so so on , we are stil trying. It’s hard emotionally, but I think sometimes our minds get in the way of things . I’m now trying to not think and plan so much , and to let nature take its course.