Moving on

Sorry it’s going to be long .. How did you guys get the courage to leave long term relationships ? How do you move on from it and deal with the pain ? How do you do it with kids? So a bit about why I’m asking ... my boyfriend isn’t who he used to be. He’s depressed and just not willing to get better. It’s been a long year taking care of our daughter and being pregnant and dealing with everything he’s been putting us through. I keep giving him chances to change and show improvement and he somewhat will and kinda goes back to not caring. I don’t want to have this baby alone but I don’t know what to do anymore I shouldn’t bring a baby into the constant fighting , his temper ( lived here 4 years and not one hole in the wall til this last year), he stays up all night drinking comes to bed when I’m getting up with our daughter, stopped working for the longest time and started again recently but still hardly. Gets mad if I wake him around 11/12 to make it so he’ll sleep at night. We’ve been together 7 years and I don’t want to throw it all away but he’s not willing to make a change and at least be how he was 2 years ago. The thought of giving birth on my own and raising them both is scary. And I am so self conscious I wouldn’t even want to consider dating anybody else again. Sorry feel like this is kinda all over the place.