I'm sick of feeling like this


I just had my second D&C; on Friday. My second missed miscarriage in four months. It was like deja vu. Both times I went in on a Wednesday only to find out my baby had died weeks before. Both times the baby died two days after we had heard a healthy heartbeat. Both times I was still experiencing all my symptoms. This time I even started throwing up AFTER I had already lost my baby. I'm sick of watching the disappointment on my husband's face and on the faces of our families. I'm sick of watching people who got pregnant before and after me have healthy pregnancies and wondering why it's so easy for me to get pregnant, but not keep a baby. I'm supposed to be 30 weeks pregnant or 9 weeks pregnant and instead I'm sitting here not pregnant at all. It hurts and I try to remember that it'll work out but it's hard. I had just finished actively grieving my first loss only to have it happen all over again.