Devastated and helpless

I’ve been waiting and wait to hear from my doctor. I did 3 day blood work last week. We were hoping and praying everything would be normal and my first test was just a “one off”.

(The first time I had blood work done my Follicle Stimulating hormone levels was too high. 10 is typically considered high. My level was 20 which is typically of menopausal women who no longer ovulate. And I’m only 30!)

Well I finally get a call saying the doctor wants me to come in to discuss my results in person rather than giving me them over the phone as he said he would. I just know that it’s bad. Otherwise he would have just told me everything was ok on the phone. What if I can’t get pregnant? I know I can’t afford fertility treatments. I’m heartbroken 😔

I’m not really looking for advice I guess... I think I just need to vent. Thanks for reading, baby dust to you all.