Two invalid pregnancy tests in a row???

Ann • Very happily married💍Beautiful baby girl💗

I’ve taken two pregnancy tests within about 3 hours and both have come back invalid. For the past two weeks I’ve been getting nauseous around 11am every day (have not thrown up) but this morning it started around 8am. It comes in waves every 45 minuets or so and continues until I go to bed. I’ve been getting very light cramps, similar to when my period is coming (but not as intense and not in the same area, more in my stomach rather than my uterus), there’s been a flutter in my stomach, I’m constantly hungry, and I keep feeling very hot and start sweating. I even teared up at a diaper commercial the other day! I usually start spotting a day or two before I start my period and that hasn’t happened yet, usually my period is decently regular (give it take a few days). I’m currently “due” for my period within the next 1 to 4 days.

My husband and I don’t use birth control, only “pull and pray” method. We got married at the end of January.

I guess my question is whether or not I should just wait to see if I get my period or take another test in the morning? The first picture was taken about an hour after taking the test and the second was about 10 minuets after.