2ww! Going crazy!


So I'm in my very first 2ww after clomid and trigger shot. Today I'm 5dpt. Testing date is April 12th. I had no side effects from the trigger shot but today I was soooooo nauseous that I felt like I couldn't even be near any food. I definitely don't have food poisoning or anything. I just feel like I'm going to puke and my mouth keeps watering up. Also another thing is my entire life I've always hated spicy things now all of a sudden I wanna put hot sauce on everything that I eat. This is just crazy! I also had some pain in my left ovary, so I called the nurse and she said that's completely normal and that she wasn't trying to get my hopes up but it sounded like a good thing, like the fluid for implantation! Anyone wanna help me stay calm! Anyone testing near the 12th?