Did he really love me or was this all a game?

So I was dating this guy for a month when ever we would text me would tell me that he lives me and I just just put a blush emoji or a heart cuz I knew I didn’t love him cuz we just started dating but i really liked him but then he told me that we should take a break cuz he doesn’t know how he feels about me cuz there was another girl and he didn’t tell me cuz he didn’t know how I would react so he told his cousin to do it cuz she was my friend then a few days later he told me that we wants me and me being the dumbass I am I took him back cuz he made me really happy. A week later he tells me we need a break cuz his parents told him to cuz he was failing some classes but we would still hang and text but then he moved schools but he would still be there fire me like when I got sick for a week he would tell me to rest more and if I needed anything to text him and he would be there for me cuz he “still loves me” but then after that he stopped texting me and then a few weeks later he had a new girl. He would post and 11:11 about her and has her name on his bio on instagram and he never did that with me. I had one of his jackets and I texted him asking if he wants it back ( cuz I told him if we ever break up ima return it to him cuz) and he told me that I can keep it but I couldn’t see it with out wanting to cry cuz he forgot about me so quick so I decided to burn it with my best friends help cuz I wanted closure (however you spell it) it was hard but I made it through. Now I found out that he would talk to one of my friends about me asking for advice or saying how much he likes me and I think that’s bull cuz he got a girl not even a month after we broke up. So I am so confused as to if he did like me or “love” me or if this was all a game to him?

Sorry I know it’s a lot but I’m a girl with trust issues and I really needed to let this all out and I couldn’t tell my best friends about this without them thinking I still like him even tho I don’t so thoughts about my situation. Again sorry that’s it’s a lot.