First Date After Long Relationship- HORRIBLE


SO! I jumped on the ol’ wagon and signed up on Tinder!

I’m a plus size woman, and not wanting to mislead anyone I specifically put on my bio that I was plus size, and if you didn’t like it then you don’t need to try it. I linked my instagram.

No actual hits on Tinder but quite a lot of guys followed me on Instagram. Then one of them slid in my DM’s, and the way he did it was so smooth and polite, I was like OKAY! Let’s do this! (I’m 21 BTW) We talked, made plans to meet Thursday for frozen yogurt. I wondered if he knew I was plus size but he must right? My IG pics, my tinder bio... yet he kept “😍😍😍” everything!

He asked me to come over and watch a movie, to which I told him no because I will NOT be hooking up,

Sorry that’s not what I’m about! He said “well I wasn’t trying to but I understand I don’t wanna make you uncomfortable”..... so I went last night. GIRL!!!!!!! It was horrible.

My nervous ass driving over there like MAKEIJWIAKSNJQKAMNN !!!! Pulled up to his house, waited for him to come collect me. GUYS!!!!!! He was a 7 online — he was a freaking 15 in person!!!! So we hug, small talk, he takes me in the house. I sit on his bed, we’re picking a movie. It’s pretty quiet. I’m trying to make talk but he’s not looking at me, he’s not talking. So I’m like .....okay.... is there something wrong ?? Did he not know I was plus size? Im feeling awkward. So we watch this dumb ass movie (It Comes At Night) WHICH WAS SO BAD. And after the movie for 5 minutes he’s sitting there in his phone, not talking to me, not turning the lights back on. So I start talking to him, asking him about college, work, plans. He was not!! Conversating!! He wasn’t asking anything back, just giving me quiet little answers! So after 5 minutes of that I’m like okay I’m gonna go.....

Got my shoes and jacket and he walked me to my car. Said goodnight gave me a hug, told me to text him when I got home. Which I did, to which he replied kissy faces and ‘I’m glad you got home okay”

NEEDLESS TO SAY: I probably won’t be hearing from him for our prescheduled date for frozen yogurt tomorrow. I’m so sad, he really was a snack.