Is it fair?


As most of you know I'm currently staying in the hospital with my preemie March May baby. In my hospital there is a program that allows mothers who are breastfeeding, or pumping to have 3 free meals a day. (my breakfast is above) Now, the controversial part is what if a mom cannot breast feed or pump? Why is it fair to mothers who choose to or have to formula feed to not receive these trays? An extreme example I could think of would be what if a mother was currently undergoing a treatment such as chemo, or had to take medications that could be harmful to baby if passed through the breast milk, should they receive the trays and be allowed to save the same amount of funds as a breastfeeding mom because of their condition? What is your take on this? (My take: I realize that the trays are basically not only incentive for breastfeeding/pumping but also a way for the hospital to help make sure the mom is staying adequately fed to keep up their supply. However, I think it may be a bit bias in the part of NICU stays are expensive and it's a weird criteria to have to meet to reduce the cost of a stay food wise. But I can also see how it's fair since it's also for baby's health)

Also here is my baby doing a gas grin