Non-traditional medicine


Based on the fact that I talked to my aunt about this case yesterday and also had my first pregnancy acupuncture today i was curious to know what you think about non-traditional medicine. I know the article is old but imo a good starting point for a discussion cause today more than ever a lot of people believe that the pharma-industry is lying to everyone and therefore deny traditional medicine (i.e. vaccines) and often rely on non-traditional treatments. This also got me thinking about the debates we had about doctors contacting CPS about underage patients.

It was later reported that Olivia’s treatment was a success and doctors were able to cure the cancer.

Hamer had lost his license as doctor prior to this case cause of similar instances. He was later arrested and convicted multiple times, he served 12 months in prison in Germany and 1.5 years in France because of other cases that led to the death of his patients (he was linked to over 80 deaths in Germany and Austria by the year 1995). There was also a pending arrest warrant in Austria but he was never convicted here. He died last year in Norway.

Olivia’s parents justify their choices until this day and even wrote a book about this case.


-Do you believe in alternative medicine or treatment and if so which and for what illnesses? When do you think non-traditional medicine has a chance of better results than traditional treatments?

-Have you ever received non-traditional medicine and what were your experiences with it?

-Do you think it was the court’s right to give Olivia Pilhar chemotherapy against the wishes of her parents? At what point should a child be taken from the parents’ custody? Does it have to be under the immediate threat of death or should the court have intervened sooner?

-Do you think the convictions of Hamer where enough or should he have been imprisoned longer to avoid any further deaths?