relationship ruined.


I have been with my boyfriend for almost 4 years off and on. some of the time we have broken up for a little bit then got back together. a year ago I had a one night stand with my ex and got pregnant. but me and my boyfriend at the time were broken up for a month by this point. He wanted to get back together and help me with the baby. I got my own apartment and he moved in. He has been here every since. Well here recently I have found on his Facebook that he liked one of my best friends pictures. she was showing her whole ass almost. well I went and blocked her on his stuff. we fought and he swore he didn't mean to like it. well his friend moved in with us like a week ago and this whole week we haven't spent anytime together and he WILL NOT help out with my son. I told him todayhow I felt and he said he was going to change. I get back I Facebook today and seen he liked my sister's picture. where she's all dressed up and looking cute. I don't know what to do. I can really talk to him in person because his friend is here and he always tried to make me look like the bad person. or just walks away from me. I just feel like I have pushed my feelings for him away before and I can do it again. it's just gonna be harder this time because I feel like this is the first time in our whole relationship that we were doing great and I felt so in love. but I kinda feel like I would rather much just do it alone then have to worry about him and his friend and more stress. I'm a stay at home mom while he works. He has a car but I don't. so if he leaves like I won't have a way to places or really money for anything.