What is wrong with me?

Izzy • Hello bitch😈

Ok so I’m bisexual and 15. I’ve been single my entire life (except my toxic relationship with my best guy friend, we are still friends) and I have a minor dilemma.

So tomorrow I’m meeting my girl friend and i had a low-key crush on her as soon as she joined my school and we talked about us being together and having feelings for each other (the first girl I’ve ever had a crush on) but then she starts dating one of my other guy best friends. 2 months later they break up but and she’s trying it on with me. But during the relationship I got closer to both of them and now I also have a crush on my guy friend who we’ve been close to each other for years and seemingly got closer after the break up.

I don’t know if it’s me just wanting a relationship or if I genuinely have feelings for both of them.

My guy friend said that she was a lot of work to be with and I don’t have the time to do that but I still like her.

Me and the guy friend have similar interests and are both really relaxed people and don’t want to do much but enjoy each other’s company.

(My friends think he likes me too)

What do I do?