Super upset...

Ivana🦄 • ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Soo today I got my period... yesterday i was questioning if i was pregnant cause it was late.soo anyway I told my husband I got my period and hes like goood better than being pregnant lol


Wow did that ruin my day! i cant believe he said that... i literally think I almost fainted cause i got so upset. i know this isnt the right time for us to have a baby cause we are moving back to the US in a couple of months and our life is just so unstable now. I even had a misscarriage last year and my husband didnt seem so upset, he was just worried for me cause I had to do a D&c.; anyway.. would anyone else be upset or am i over reacting? my heart just broke when he said that because.. idk. maybe its because i want a baby, even though I know its not the the right time in our life.