Implantation bleeding


Okay ladies!! Help a girl out. I was experiencing cramping pretty much for almost a week but today it was like a sick feeling almost and I went to take a pregnancy test (it was negative) but when I went to wipe, i saw some red.... but I looked at my husband because he was there when I took the test and I was like... ahh this isn’t right. “Alex, this isn’t my period...” I was scared honestly but I asked my mom and she said that it might be implantation bleeding because that’s how she found out she was pregnant with me.... so to be sure she told me to get a Qtip. If it was dark red then it could be early in my period, but it was brown... so ladies what do you think I should do? I am currently 12 days late for my period and I didn’t have a period at all in March. My last period was February 24-28