
So I realized how much I don’t really eat meat, and if i do chicken is about it. I have enjoyed tofu as an alternative.BUT I can officially say that I have chosen a new and healthy lifestyle - vegetarianism. Not only have I eliminated meat but I am now eating MANY and TONS of different fruits and veggies. My skin is looking brighter than dull, my energy is getting better, I am working out 3-4 times a week and doing weight lifting and cardio. Not only did I want to shed a few pounds as my doctor told me I am over weight because I am 5’4 and 160 pounds but I am happy to see that I am slowly slimming down! I’m looking more toned! I also bought a protein powder for women that obv helps for protein, hair growth and keeps you toned and I honestly can say I stand by this product! Here’s a before and after of just about a week into this dietary change!! If you guys have any great recipes to incorporate protein in a meatless way It would be so helpful!! -Julie