moving to a new state

Amanda • 22. Married 💍. 3 year old son. Due with baby #2 July 5th 2016.
Hey everyone,
I’m at a loss for who to talk to about this because I normally talk to my coworkers about anything going on in my life because they are very insightful people who are older. My husband got a good offer in Charlotte NC and we have been Georgia born and raised. All of our family is in GA. My husbands family is very supportive of our move since it will significantly increase our financial situation but, my family has been very disappointed and vocal about not wanting us to leave. On one hand I am excited to move and the other I am so sad I am letting my family down. I should add we don’t get together with his/my family frequently nor do they offer to babysit/invite us over. Basically what I want to know is how you did moving 4 or more hours away from family? What did you do for a date night sitter? Is anyone from Charlotte? Any other advice would be appreciated.