
So me and my boyfriend are going for 1 yr and couple months he’s 27 and I’m 21 with good jobs we just bought a house together. He took me to meet his family’s overseas we just got back yesterday and everybody loves me to the point that his mom gave me money (which wasn’t expecting at all and I was so embarrassed bcz I was thinking is she giving me money bcz I bought her couple things) but the whole time every thing she talked to me bout is to have kids and get married. I told her it’s not me to have this convo with but his son has been married and divorced b4 that didn’t go too well he always say I wanna spend the rest of my life with you, marrying but I feel Like after marriage everything changes . But I feel like he’s basically taking his passed on me. Any suggestions on how to communicate about it without having him feel like I’m rushing him to get marry bcz he wants to have a baby too but I don’t see myself having a baby without getting married