
So on 3/29/18 I took a pregnancy test after being 8 days late and got a BFP! We have been trying for almost a year... I was beyond happy! Told my S/O, mom, sister, and 3 bestfriends. We were all ecstatic. The next evening, 3/30 I started bleeding out of nowhere 😳 a lot. Went to ER they diagnosed it as a threatened miscarriage. I was upset but still had my fingers crossed. The next 2 days was very little light bleeding (spotting) so I was really hopeful. But no, that Monday (4/2/18) I knew what it was. Woke up to a lot of blood 😭😭😭... Went back to ER and they said it was a chemical pregnancy 😔😔😔😔... I was so bummed! I still am but I’m hopeful!!!! Just gotta keep trying 🙃

This is my 2nd miscarriage... I think it’s because my blood type is B- ... My previous miscarriage was before I had my son and the doctors said it’s possible I miscarried because of my blood type. I wonder is that what happened this time? I got the Rhogam shot so we’ll see 🤞🏾

Also... I HATE wearing pads!!!!!!! It’s so uncomfortable! I can’t wear anything but baggy pants now... I hate this seriously. The 2nd worst part of this whole situation !

Ok, bye.