Anniversary Surprise...

I've mainly posted anonymously on here due to not risking the chance of someone I know seeing my posts. This is definitely one of them!..My boyfriend and I celebrated 6 years together on April 2nd. There were a couple of times in all these years where our relationship was "ended/on hold". I never let go of the confidence that he was my One, and that things would unfold how we always wanted them too. Almost 3 years ago, I had our first son, and last December, I had our second. My boyfriend has always been the notorious fun uncle to all of his friends children, never believing he'd get to be a dad to. I told him that without a doubt in my mind, we would end up with a son who looked exactly like him... And we were blessed with that fortune twice 😍 Any who.... I was in a deep sleep Monday morning with our two boys. My SO woke me up with a big kiss to which I replied, "Ugh, but I've got morning breath 😂" He said, "I don't care" and proceeded to kiss me more. He then went on to tell me how much he loved me, we'd get a better ring when able, and that I can pick any date... All the while holding up the sweetest little single diamond ring 💕I asked if that was a proposal, to which he said that it was. I replied either yes or hell yeah, followed by ABOUT DAMN TIME! 🤣I have wanted us to be married ever since we started seeing each other, and even more so when finding out I was pregnant with our first boy. This man has been very uneasy about the idea of marriage due to his parents multiple divorces and marriages, and even spent nine years with his ex never having proposed....This is such a huge step for our relationship and a final binding of commitment as next to having children together, we bought our first home last year as well. In going along with Irish tradition/superstition, we're going to be married around the end of this month or in the beginning of September. I'm so excited and happy that this year I will finally be able to call him my husband, and myself, his wife 😊 We are keeping it completely secret right now, so I wanted to jump on here and just share. *Pic of ring not included because it's just not my style to do so* 😉