Bestfriend pregnant - 7 more moths to go 😩😂

My bestfriend has recently found out she was pregnant and she was already 6 weeks along, at 7 weeks she already started complaining about ‘putting on weight’ yas I know smh 😩😂 and now at 9 weeks has been telling people shes ‘felt the baby move’ . Lol I kno first time Mummas tend to get this way but damn, I’m a Mumma if 2 and when she comes to me I tell her that’s not actually true and explain to her in the nicest informative way but she believes all pregnancies are different & just cos I didn’t feel that early or put on weight that early (as I had only babyfat) that ours are just different ..

just needed to vent as I’ve got 7 more months of this stuff 😂😂

* Before anyone says anything I’m not being judgemental, rude, whatever ya’ll can throw at me, I AM although being very supportive and a loving friend .. just needed to vent a lil that’s all coz it’s already driving me abit mad hahah