Torn between fuck you and I love you


Me and my boyfriend of 7 yrs haven’t been on good terms lately. It’s been making me feel really un-secure about our relationship. Every time I try to talk to him about things or how I feel he either brushes it off or tells me he doesn’t have anything to say or he doesn’t know. He’s also been getting upset at the smallest things. I told him I want to talk in person (bc when things don’t go his way over the phone he just hangs up). He tells me if he’s in the area when I get out of work we can talk and once he goes home he’s not leaving to meet up with me anywhere. I offered to go over to his place to talk and he still keeps refusing. I’m really torn between being mature and giving him my time even though I feel like he’s being a dick and just completely ignoring him and saying eff you (not literally). I just know fighting fire with fire with him never ever works. But I also don’t want to be a dumb ass either, letting him treat me that way and still sticking around.