Ttc: on metformin


I went to a dr after no period for 3 months. I was put in progesterone and told to lost 20 lbs. I got my period and needless to say found a new dr.

The new dr took me off progesterone (it gave me EXTREME mood swings) and put me on metformin. I have since lost 6 lbs in two weeks.

He ran blood test. Everything came back normal. I was kind of worried that I might have been pre-diabetic.

(Also, I can’t go back to mr Dr until my insurance company and a large hospital negotiate. In Georgia they are at a stand still with negotiations. All hospitals south of Atlanta are out of network. All obgyns only have admitting privileges to those hospitals...)

What should I expect from here in terms of metformin and ttc?

Have any of you ladies had success conceiving on metformin?