Letrozole (Femara) + Trigger & IUI #2

AuthenticBeing •Rainbow🌈 Born 2.18.22•

We started our journey last month on 21 March with Trigger and <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> on 22 March, that one was a bust. I usually feel O pains, but that time I didn't, maybe I didn't respond to it. Had 1 follicle on right was 22.8 and several other small ones, wall measurement I can't remember, Husbands wash was 23.5 million and Trigger was 10,000 units of Pregnyl. I took the pills 7:30am every morning. I did test out the HCG, did not temp or use OPKs as they said it can be thrown off.

Anyway, AF showed up today 😤😫🤬, will be starting pills, 7.5mg days 3-7, mid-cycle scan (well CD 13 - earliest appt) on 17 April and potentially Trigger then <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> the next day. Glow says I O on the 17th so hopefully all goes well with this time.

About us: Married in 2009, TTC since 2010 after MC in Dec 2009. Tried everything in the books, you name it, we've done it, taken it, etc.. lol. I will be turning 32 on Monday, 9 April 🎉, Husband is 34. No issues, both healthy, just unexplained infertility.

As I get through day 1 of AF (today), I'm starting to feel better and optimistic. This will be my 3rd round of Femara (1st one was unmonitored in everything with TI (I actually wasn't supposed to take the first dose.. eh! Wanted to see what would happen) Some say 3 is a charm, so I'm am desperately hoping that is our case. Anyway, back at it.. Personal changes for me this time around is to relax more, I was on edge and moody this past cycle.. I could've sworn I would fall preggers with all the symptoms I had, but our bodies and mind are so tricky 😩🤯.. Going to enjoy the process, stress free. FX for us and Baby Dust to all of us in this stage.

*UPDATE #1* 16 April was my mid-cycle scan (cd12): 2 mature follies, one left 21.8 and one right 21. Endo measured between 12 and 18. Triggered (I think the same as last time 10,000 units Pregnyl - I didnt even check..) 17 April at 10:30am is sperm wash and right after, <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>. Currently feeling bad O cramps (time now 1am on 17 April). We feel really good about this although very nervous for multiples, but well take what we can get. FX!!!

*UPDATE #2* Went in for wash and <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> on 17 April, was a little disappointed because Hubbys results went down out of nowhere: 2.4 million post wash, down from 28.5 million last month. No significant reason except probably stress from work. We did the <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> anyway, while still having some O cramps. I had a moment I was about to break down because it seemed like everything was going as planned and bam 🙁 but I held it together and we prayed and continue to pray every day. Against all odds, we believe it can and will still happen. Currently in my TWW day 2. Will be holding out on testing until the 30th or the 1st of May.