Finding myself loosing my confidence

Key facts of why I think I’m loosing self and some of my confidence

I’m 18 , I’ve been with my boyfriend for 7 near 8 months. It’s the longest relationship I’ve been in before and love him to pieces. Im part of a modelling agency and had my hair cut into a bob and fringe for a job and have sort of stuck with it because clients for different jobs like it .

I’ve got shoe scars from different in comfortable shoes and there unsightly i can’t seam to get rid of them

I’m in my first year of uni and it’s f Ing hard

I’m just finding myself loosing myself a bit, opting for comfy clothes and no make up alot of the time coz I’m struck for time or just plain can’t be bothered . I don’t feel like me anymore How do I get myself out of this slobby rut I’m in.