Babysitting nightmare!

Okay first ima start off by saying normally I babysit at home, I don’t like to go to other people’s houses because I feel uneasy about it being a female in today world.

But one day I got a call from a single mother of 2 who needed a babysitter over night and felt more comfortable if the babysitter watched her kids at her home.

So after thinking about it I went ahead and agreed to it.

Fast forward to week 2 , me and the kids were relaxing on the couch watching a movie , all of a sudden I herd a loud noise at the back door. I told the kids to go up stairs and get ready for bed. As they were doing so I went out to the kitchen to see what the noise was. But nothing was there.

So I went upstairs to check on the kids and make sure they were ready for bed and I tucked them in .

As I was walking back down stairs I seen a shadow and froze!

I thought to my self, okay the kids are in bed , there moms at work who could that be!

Then the shadow disappeared!

My heart started racing!

I went back upstairs and locked the kids windows and doors .

On my way out of the little boys room I grabbed his lamp because it was small but metal and I walked down the stairs quietly. When I got to the end I looked around and seen this man sitting on the couch looking at a family picture. He was just staring at it really hard , it was the mother and her two kids. I took a deep breath , dialed 911 and set my phone down as quite as I could!

This is were I new it was going to get ugly, I new I just might die but I had to get him out the house and protect those kids! So I creeped up behind him and said who are you and what are you doing in this house !( the smart thing to do would have been to hit him in his head from behind but I didn’t) any way he turned around with this baseball bat in his hand and said , I don’t believe that’s any of your business I’ll be taking those kids and getting out of your way.

Oh no you won’t I said and swung the lamp at him out of fear, and there it all started. He grabbed me by my hair threw me on the floor and went to run upstairs.

Before he got to the second step I grabbed his ankle and yanked as hard as I could!

He fell and busted his face on the floor which really ticked him off and then he got up and started walking towards me laughing this evil laugh saying you really shouldn’t have done that ! I was so scared and just kept backing way from him as I no longer wanted to fight back anymore I was way to scared, almost as if I was frozen.

Next thing I new this guy was punching me repeatedly in my face and I thought I was fighting back but in reality I wasn’t , then he pins this baseball bat against my throat and tells me , you shouldn’t have done that you should have just minded your own business and let me leave with those kids, why did you have to do that now I have to kill you do you see what you have done! Then his voice started to fade away I started feeling light headed and everything was blurry, then I herd other voices, it was the police, and I felt relief from my neck and then

I fell to the ground and passed out, when I woke up I was all sweaty and thats when I realized it was all just a babysitting nightmare