Who do you think has it the hardest

🦄🌸 • 26/AnaAmari&Arya💎👑. / Flourishing w Mommyhood, it’s REAL 🙌🏻

So yesterday I was with my cousin, she recently had a baby in September just like I did. I had said something or she had said something and I prompted her to say well at least you got the help. So retorted you take him to daycare you get help. I felt bad because I guess she technically doesn’t get a break from being busy. But I still feel she gets a break from the baby and a job is way different than being with a baby 24/7. I actually was just messaging a friend I wish I could find work so I could take a break from my daughter. I live with my mom and while she helps sometimes I don’t care for the way she takes care of my daughter so I’m always doing everything. For the most part the only thing she does is give her baths and change the occasional pamper. We also have very different babies. While hers is colicky he’s getting over it and is way more chill than my baby. And my baby is so very active , fussy even without colic and so attached I can’t even change her pamper without holding her. Where do you stand on the stay at home mom situation vs the working mom situation ? I guess you can keep our personal situation in mind too.

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