My husband is cheating on me

I know

He knows I know

She knows I know

How do I get out of this situation? It’s not as easy as “oh just leave him!” because of our daughter.

She is the most important thing we have (obviously). We rent and everything we “own” are in his name (which I am 100% fine with). I am legally disabled due to anxiety. I’m terrified that will factor in when it comes to custody. I want full custody. We’ve even talked about this before and he’s told me I would get full custody- but what if he tries to get sneaky when the time comes?? Will my illness determine anything?

Have you been divorced? How did you leave? How was the process for you?

The first night when I found out I had my mom pick my baby and me up with a ton of our clothes/daily necessities with full intentions of returning only to get him to sign divorce paperwork. He guilted me into coming back. He tells me we will go to marriage counseling. I know that won’t help because he is a pathological liar. I know I want a divorce. He touched my back today and I jumped away from him with instinct as if he would hurt me. I don’t want any of this. He’s never physically hurt me, but emotional scars leave me completely in “fight or flight.”

Please some advice? Some help? My parents are divorced and I never wanted to have to get a divorce ESPECIALLY with a child. I’m here now and I don’t know how to make the first step- or even what the first step is.

Please offer some advice?