is he controlling? plz comment

my boyfriend is driving me INSANE! but I love him anyways. he freaks out if I do anything as simple as dying my hair or seeing my friends without talking about it and asking for his promission he also picks apart everything I do. he wont let me stay the night at my friends house because me and her are BI. He always asks what im doing on my phone at least 80 times a day. one time he asked me what I was doing on my phone and moved to see to fast and I backed up because I am jumpy due to a past abusive relationship, he got so mad saying he feels like I hide things! when he is on my phone 24/7 :( have nothing to hide. I decided to move back home he is freaked about me and him now.. he feels like im gonna end things part of me wants to but my heart loves him. I've talked to him about how controlling he is in the past he says I just have to deal. all though I dont like how he makes it seem like i cant do anything right..he says Im being mean because I told him im not gonna deal with it. he says im taking out anger on my ex on him for finally saying HELL NO aftee babying him about it.. I feel like a fail again like this is another relationship I have single handedly ruined :(

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