Introducing Storm Mackenzie 🌷

Amanda • Momma to 2 gorgeous boys 💙💙 our last baby due April 14 2017

Just like everyone else, reading these birth stories helped me so much to get through my pregnancy 🤰 So here is mine too add xx

This pregnancy was the hardest one yet (3rd baby, 1st girl 🌷)

I had SPD, hormone pimple rashes, mucus and morning sickness up until the day I had her and the rest 😳. Safe to say I couldn’t wait till it was over. Sad at the same time though as this is my last pregnancy.

I was booked in for a scheduled c section for the 4th April. The procedure and everything went perfectly and from the first cut I heard her very first cry within 3 minutes. Such a magic sound hearing their first little cries.

After a quick check up with the Pead I got to have skin to skin as we headed back up to our room

Storm Mackenzie Walsh was born at 9:04am weighing 7 pound 1 ounce and 51cms long.

She is the perfect addition to complete out little family of 5 and her brothers are so in love with her

We are home now and recovery has been awesome. I’m up and about and in next to no pain.

The day I had her I had a bad reaction to the morphine so was vomiting most of the day which hurt like hell but we got it under control and have been on the up ever since.

Hopefully this helps with any c section mummas who are worried about the procedure. It’s over before you know it and as long as you keep up with pain medication and get moving as soon as you are able, the recovery is not as bad as you would think xx