My Birth Story 😍👶🏽💗


My beautiful daughter Evelyn Mariah de Baize was born on Monday 26/03/2018 at 12:13pm weighing 2.69kg and 44cm long.

I was induced at 38+4 days due to her small size.

On Sunday afternoon they applied a gel to my cervix to help it ripen. I stayed in hospital overnight where I had mild and contractions. At 6am, they checked my cervix and applied another dose of the gel. I was not yet dilated but my cervix was apparently softened.

At 8am I began having more intense contractions but still at irregular intervals.

At 8:30am my waters were ruptured and I was put on the pitocin drip. From then on I was in full blown labour. As I bounced on the exercise ball through my contractions, I used gas/air and deep breathing to manage the pain. I was really proud of myself at how well I was doing. O stayed focused and in control. They checked my cervix and I was 3cm dilated.

At about 10am I asked if I could have a hot bath or shower. I had originally planned a natural water birth. It was at this point that things went pear shaped.

Baby’s heart rate was going from extreme highs to extreme lows and was showing signs of fetal distress. There was a point in which the baby’s heart rate couldn’t be located and suddenly the mood changed dramatically. The obstetrician came in and told me that my baby was not coping with the contractions and that I was to have an emergency c-section. I screamed, I cried, I was heartbroken and devastated that my birth plan has gone out the window. I never even considered the act that I may have needed a c-section.

They switched off the Pitocin drip hoping to give me a break from the contractions however they did not stop. It was a further 2 hours until I could get into theatre.

Finally, at 12:13pm, Evelyn was cut from my belly and brought into the world. They did her APGAR test which she scored 9/10 and she was then placed next to my head and they finished stitching me up. My partner and I cried with joy. My partner was the most amazing and supportive person through the whole labour. I wouldn’t have coped without him. And watching I’m fall in love with his daughter was beautiful.

Random thoughts;

*The most painful part of the whole ordeal was definitely internals. I swore a lot. They hurt way more than contractions and no one ever told me that before.

*I’m still a little hung up on the fact that I needed to have an emergency cesarean. I felt like I was robbed of the experience. I wanted so badly to push my baby into the world. I wanted to feel her be born. But I’m coming to terms with it.

*I was in agony for about 4 days after my c-section. I couldn’t walk, dress or shower myself. I couldn’t tend to my baby’s needs without assistance. My boyfriend had to shower me, dress me, and looked after our daughter for the first week of her life. He is my hero.