5 miscarriages in 16 months

Charlotte ❣️

Sooo my journey started when I first found out we were pregnant in December 2016 4 sadly we lost that pregnancy 4 more losses later and I have plucked up the courage to take some responsibility and went to see my GP he instantly referred me to Gynaecology and ordered a list of blood tests.

They did screenings for Coagulation, full blood count, haematology, lupus, follicle stimulating hormone, lutenising hormone, progesterone, prolactin and thyroid function.

Now I’m waiting to have internal and external scans.

I know I can easily just look online to see what all these things are but I suffer terrible anxiety and they always give the worst scenario online and I convince myself I’m dying.

Has anyone else had these tests and know in laymen’s terms what they even mean? Thank you for reading my little life story :)