Leaving work


Just wondering when everyone needed to leave work with their twin pregnancies? I’ll be 17 weeks on Sunday and I can’t believe how awful I have felt the past week. I spoke with my doctor at the beginning of my pregnancy and she said the goal is 38 weeks. I thought that was a stretch for twins. I just switched jobs because I was working 12s and it was getting too much. Now I work 8s but working 5 days a week is so hard. My feet are starting to swell and they hurt so bad I can barely walk. I started to develop really bad headaches about a week ago and the headache just won’t go away. I spoke with my doctor and she prescribed me something (which I haven’t been able to get yet because my insurance sucks) but if that doesn’t work she said I’ll need IV meds. I am not ready to leave work yet and I’m not looking for the easy way out, just wondering how long everyone else lasted with twins? Specifically ladies who were on their feet all day at work. And is there anything I can do to last longer? Taking more breaks is not really an option.